

Chloe and Ollie

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again.. I’m so tired I could literally DIE.
And with tiredness comes the emotional stability of a ten year old who has just watched his family and his beloved dog get stoned to death and lit on fire. How great it is to be a woman.

I’m seeing Ollie and Chloe tonight!
Possibly my two favourite people.. spirits are instantly lifted at the sight of them both.
I love it when you have those people that you feel safe with and happy with and just being in their presence makes you feel ten thousand times better than you did previously.
There are few people in the world that I feel this with and these two are defiantly it – no tears will ever cross my path when they are around.
I think I might take my Cluedo game that Jacob got me for my birthday round and we can play!


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