

Reality is hectically better when you have been out of it for a while

Life is better when you get the hell outta town.

Jack, Dave, Gabby and I thought precisely this at approximately 10:00pm on Tuesday night, so then decided to pack our bags and head for the coast bright and early (2:00pm) on Wednesday.

We had to get a few things soughted before we hit the open road, such as sleeping bags, smiles supply (both inside the mind and out ;) ), and a possible place to camp.

With Fingal our destination, food and smiles in our belly and a plan to forget everything for the next 24 hours, we set off.
I forgot my phone, which actually turned out to work in my advantage as I forgot about (and didn't care about) time, people and all responsibilities.
When we got there, we set up camp in the bushes by the beach (which we found out this morning by a man resembling Santa, that this is illegal, as is having a fire on the beach), then cracked open a beer - or for Gabby and myself, a sack of goon.  
Time flew by and along with our minds, we also forgot to bring suitable cooking equipment for the sausages we packed, so we cooked them on sticks propped near the diminishing fire.

We climbed to the lighthouse, peed in the buses and had ourselves a jolly old time.

This morning, after the worst sleep in the world having no mattresses and an over-cramped tent, we quickly backed our belongings as we were told and headed for some breakfast.

We got a delicious breakfast of Fish and Chips and went to the most glorious little cove in the whole world and ate them on the beach.
After having some cheeky smiles and a sleep, we left Fingal and headed for Kirra to see one of Jacks friends.
Which involved Gabby and myself going into the ocean to pee ;).

Ahhh, I have limited time, so luckily that is just about all I have to say.

I needed to get out of town so badly and forget everything.
I am now unhappy to announce that I am sadly back in reality, slightly sunburnt, but it is worth it knowing that I can skip town like that again soon.

I don't have time for photos, or to even look at them as I am already late for work..... aaaah, off to a good start.

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