

The wind is a'changin

Tonight for the first time in a long time, it's starting to feel like summer again.  Strangely, because I generally dislike summer, I am excited.  Bring on the sweat and the heat and staying out all night long, ridding responsibilities and letting your skin be bathed by the harsh UV of the sun.

I don't remember there ever being a dull day last summer - I know that's a lie, but I do know that there was many, many less dull days than there has been during winter - I had a million great nights and days, spending time with friends and meeting even greater new ones.

Winter makes me anxious and stressed and uptight.  Summer is a time to have fun and be care-free.  To stay up late every night and still manage to go to work the next day unscathed.

Whilst I hate the heat and the humidity more than anything in the world, I think this year I'm going to embrace it and get maximum smiling out of the few short months that we get to bask in the glory that is Summer.

(this was taken from the balcony of the appartment of Chloe's friend we stayed in in Sydney NY '09 / '10)

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