

Happy Birthday Koz!

Last night we had birthday drinks for Kozzy's birthday.
We met at 5:45 - by the time everone got there it was 6:15 - in the city and after much persuasion, Koren chose Jo-Jo's as her birthday resturant of choice for dinner.

We had a delicious meal, much wine, and a great time was had by all.
Lucky for us, however, the night did not stop there.

After having an amazing dinner at Jo-Jo's it was then onto Albert Street for Karaoke.

I don't think we will be asked to go back again. I, of course, was amazing.. but the rest of you REALLY let the team down. In summary, I think we could have been mistaken for a room full of fighting cats, however that did not deture our spirits, we were determined to hit the notes, no matter how much we had to try, or how sore our throats would be today.

Our time was up in the Karaoke room, but we still weren't ready to go home. We hit the empty dance floor and grooved our hearts out to 'I'm blue' by Eiffle 65 as well as many other prize songs.
Eventually after a breif vomit in the sink from one of the team, we suspected the night was over. Everyone said their goodbyes, and went their seperate ways.

Chee dropped me on Brunswick street where I met some of my other friends. I had a bit of a wonder of the world, not knowing quite what was happening before hitting the clubhouse dance floor which is pretty much where I stayed until the early hours of the morning.

When the bar started to empty, and people started to stop dancing, I thought maybe it was time to go home. With only $20 in my wallet, I checked the time and found some more good news : I was just in time for the last train home.

When I got on the train, I was sleepy, I looked like I had been dragged through a sewer, and I couldn't wait to get home, have a shower and brush my teeth. With David Bowie playing on my ipod, I took the long journey home. When I got off the train, the sun was starting to rise in the distance, and I knew it was deffinatly time for bed. However, little did I know that when I got home, there where 1000000 of my brothers friends sleeping on our living room floor that I had to try and step over. This was not my ideal thing to have to do when I get home late at night.

In conclusion, I had a great, great, great night. I saw some friends I haven't seen in ages, and some friends I don't want to see for ages to come. This should pretty much sum things up, I believe those involved know why.

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